Government Declares 2,640 Dunams in Abu Dis and el-Azariya as State Land, Located in the Southern area of the E1 Plan, Threatening Palestinian Communities 29.2.24
The “Sovereignty Road” in the area of Al-Azariya-Ma’ale Adumim is advancing to the implementation stage 30.4.23
After approving thousands of housing units in settlements and outposts, the government is now promoting the E1 plans – considered deadly for the future of a Palestinian State 23.2.23
Despite its promise, the government is promoting the E1 plan which is considered deadly for the future of two states 31.5.22
Two days after the meeting with President Biden the Israeli Government is promoting the plans in E1 29.8.21
Against the commitment for a political status quo: The government is promoting the plan in E1 14.7.21