
Plans for 2,646 Housing Units in The Settelments Advanced This Week

The Civil Administration’s High Planning Committee promoted plans for 2,646 housing units in the settlements this week.


Plans promoted on October 17th – 1,292
Plans promoted on October 18th – 1,323
Construction permits in Hebron approved on October 16th – 31
Total – 2,646

Approved for depositing – 1,508
Approved for validation – 1,107
Construction permits in Hebron – 31

In addition to all of the above, yesterday a tender was issued for 296 units in Beit El.

Housing units promoted through plans since January 2017 – 6,742
2016 – 2,629
2015 – 1,982
2014 – 6,293

For a full list click here.

Peace Now: “The Israeli government has lost all its inhibitions, while promoting settlement expansion in a record pace for recent years and distancing us daily from the possibility of a two state solution. The government is sending a clear message to settlers – build illegally and anywhere and we will find a solution for you. It is clear that Netanyahu is prioritizing his settler constituency over the rule of law and the possibility for peace.” 

Download the chart of the planning process in the West Bank – click here


Netiv Ha’Avot (Derech Ha’Avot): The committee promoted a plan for a new settlement for the settlers of the outpost of Netiv Ha’Avot, who are expected to be evacuated in March 2018 following a High Court verdict. The plan includes 17 temporary housing units (formally for 3 years) between the settlements of Elazar and Alon Shvut, approximately 500m from Alon Shvut and 500m from the illegal outpost of Netiv Ha’Avot, on lands declared as “state lands” (see map here). The planned units will be located on “plot 91,” which is not included within the jurisdiction of any settlement. The committee stated that before the final approval of the plan, the jurisdiction of Alon Shvut would need to be expanded, in order to consider the new settlement as a “neighborhood” of an existing one.

The promotion of the plan demanded some acrobatics, mainly because the plot is disconnected from existing settlements, under no settlement’s jurisdictions, and roads would need to be paved on agricultural dirt roads in order to connect it to its surroundings. During the discussion, the head of the committee stated that “the plan is improper, but we will have to approve it as a temporary solution.” Peace Now’s experience, however, indicates that in the settlements, anything temporary becomes permanent, and it is likely that even if the families evacuated will relocate from the temporary site, other settlers will enter these units.

Migron: The plan to build a permanent settlement in place of the temporary solution for the Migron evacuees was approved for validation.

Amihai: The plan was approved for validation.

In all of the above, the government sends a clear message to settlers: build illegally anywhere you want and we will provide a solution and compensate you. The same is true with regards to the Beit El tender, as the 296 housing units are a “compensation” to the demolitions of illegal construction in Giva’t Ha’Ulpana.

Update on Hebron: The construction permits for 31 housing units in Hebron will come into force in 30 days, in order to allow the Hebron Municipality the possibility to appeal the decision. For more information on click here. For the protocol of the meeting click here.