In 2014, the Ministry of the Interior overinvested millions of NIS in the settlements. The revenue support grants provided to the settlements were 3.5 times greater than the grants allocated to other cities in Israel.In addition to the revenue support grants, the Ministry transferred millions more in special grants intended for the settlements only.
A Peace Now review of the Ministry of the Interior budget reveals that in 2014, the Ministry of the Interior was significantly and unreasonably biased in favor of the local authorities in Judea and Samaria at the expense of the rest of Israel’s population.
Main Figures:
Of 2.6B NIS that the Ministry of the Interior granted to the local authorities, 14% (378M NIS) went to the settlements. Settlers comprise less than 4.4% of the population, so they actually received over three times their share of the population.
The Ministry of the Interior invested 1,108 NIS per capita for settlers, as compared to only 304 NIS per capita for residents residing within the Green Line, 3.6 times more.
Grant Details:
Revenue Support Grants– Grants to local authorities to cover deficits and balance their annual budgets. In 2014, settlements received 306M NIS, comprising 12.76% of all revenue support grants in Israel, i.e. 3 times their share of the population.
Per Capita Revenue Support Grants– In Israel – 276 NIS per capita, as compared to 897 NIS per settlement resident.
Minister Grants
The Minister of the Interior grant is a budgetary reserve intended for distribution to the local authorities, where the amount is not calculated according to a fixed formula. This enables the Minister to apply flexibility in allocating the funds, as he deems fit. All of the settlements were granted Minister Grants in 2014. The settlements received 12,730,000 NIS in Minister Grants, comprising 13% of all Minister Grants to the local authorities (98,400,000 NIS). For example: the Gush Etzion Council received 1,000,000 NIS, the Mateh Binyamin Council received 1,060,000 NIS and the Samaria Regional Council received 1,160,000 NIS in Minister grants.
Development Grants
Of 2,200,340 NIS, the settlements received 460,000 NIS (21%).
Exclusive Grants
In addition to the revenue support grants, of which the Ministry of Interior grants 3.5 times more to the settlers, there are special grants issued exclusively to the settlements. These grants allow for the transfer of additional funds to the settlements.
The special grants enjoyed by the settlements include:
“Addition to the revenue support grant due to the Oslo Accords”
Based on this item, provided to the settlements only, settlers received 1,018,333 NIS from the Ministry of the Interior.
“Defense grants due to construction freezing”
This special item was provided to all settlements, amounting to 2,083,001 NIS this year.
“Defense grant to Judea and Samaria regional councils”
This special grant is provided only to 6 authorities, all of them within the settlements, amounting to 4,165,000 NIS.
“Young Settlement Grants”
This item is granted only to the settlements and the Golan Heights. Settlers received 9,159,000 NIS of a total of 24M NIS allocated to this item.
“Transfer to Hebron Local Committee”
A special item for the settlers of Hebron, approximately 700 people, who are not considered a local authority of its own. The Ministry of the Interior transferred 3,517,000 NIS under this item, approximately 5,024 NIS per capita.
Additional Ministry of the Interior Grants
In addition to the revenue support and exclusive settlement grants, authorities are entitled to other grants. Such grants enable the discriminatory transfer of money into the settlements:
“Special grants to local authorities by agreement”
187 of the 255 local authorities received this grant in 2014, including all of the settlements (excluding one). The settlements received 35M NIS (19%) of the 181M NIS transferred under this item.
“Grants to Large Cities in Local Authorities”
21 authorities received this grant in 2014, including 3 settlements, which received 30% of the budget for this item (556,535 NIS of 1,819,000 NIS).
“Local Authority Security”
Almost all settlements (except three) are among the 211 authorities to receive this grant in 2014, receiving approximately 5% of 1,054,361 NIS in this item.
One-Time Security Grant
In summer 2014, the government resolved to issue two one-time security grants. One, entitled “Grants for Local Authority Security Needs”, was transferred solely to the settlements following the abduction of the 3 boys, amounting to approximately 59 NIS per capita. The other grant, entitled “Aiding Local Authorities due to Operation Protective Edge”, was given to southern authorities due to the war in the summer. This grant amounted to approximately 50 NIS per capita, about 20% less than the grant to the settlements.
Examples and Comparison between Settlements and Authorities in Israel – Revenue Support Grants
Socio-economic Cluster 2 (on a scale of 1-10, where 10 is the highest):
Nahal Sorek Regional Council (Gdera Area) – 7,200 residents, 963 NIS per capita.
Mt. Hebron Regional Council (settlement) – 6,400 residents, 2,740 NIS per capita (2.8 times more).
Ma’aleh Iron Local Council (Israel) – 13,700 residents – 901 NIS per capita.
Emmanuel Local Council (settlement) – 3,000 residents, 2,388 NIS per capita.
Socio-economic Cluster 3:
Lod Valley Regional Council – 13,800 residents, 88 NIS per capita.
Mateh Binyamin Regional Council (settlement) – 52,800 residents, 711 NIS per capita (9 times more).
Netivot – 28,700 residents, 973 NIS per capita.
Kiryat Arba (settlement) – 7,600 residents, 1,386 NIS per capita (1.4 times more).
Socio-economic Cluster 4 and 5:
Gilboa Regional Council – 27,400 residents, 462 NIS per capita.
Samaria Regional Council (settlement) – 29,400 residents, 1,397 NIS per capita (1.7 times more).
Kiryat Gat – 48,300 residents, 462 NIS per capita.
Beit El (settlement) – 5,900 residents, 1,567 NIS per capita (3.4 times more).
Sderot – 21,600 residents, 1,097 NIS per capita.
Kdumim (settlement) – 4,100 residents, 1,861 NIS per capita (1.6 times more).
Mitzpeh Ramon – 5,100 residents, 417 NIS per capita.
Ma’aleh Ephraim (settlement) – 1,100 residents, 3,188 NIS per capita (12 times more).
Socio-economic Cluster 6 (on a scale of 1-10, where 10 is the highest):
Kfar Yona – 20,000 residents, 667 NIS per capita.
Givat Ze’ev (settlement) – 13,500 residents, 1,118 NIS per capita (1.7 times more).
Shlomi – 6,200 residents, 843 NIS per capita.
Efrat (settlement) – 13,500 residents, 1,194 NIS per capita (1.4 times more).
Zvulun Regional Council – 12,600 residents, 516 NIS per capita.
Jordan Valley Regional Council (settlement) – 3,800 residents, 3,109 NIS per capita (6 times more).
Socio-economic Cluster 7 and 8:
Kochav Yair – 9,300 residents, 102 NIS per capita.
Elkana (settlement) – 3,900 residents, 1,332 NIS per capita (13 times more).
Ramat Ishai – 7,200 residents, 41 NIS per capita.
Alfei Menashe (settlement) – 7,600 residents, 588 NIS per capita (14 times more).
Kadima-Zoran – 18,000 residents, 143 NIS per capita.
Beit Arie (settlement) – 4,200 residents, 1,470 NIS per capita (10 times more).