Today, January 24 2017, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman issued a statement announcing the promotion of approximately 2,500 housing units in the settlements. This is the largest announcement since U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s negotiations efforts between Israelis and Palestinians.
Peace Now: “Netanyahu is taking advantage of the presidential transition in the United States in order to appease the settlers, a small minority of the Israeli public, and score political points with his right flank. Instead of jeopardizing the two-state solution, it is time for Netanyahu to take responsibility for the future of Israel by halting settlement construction and assuring the future of Israel as both Jewish and democratic.”
As of now, this is merely a statement, rather than an official step in the planning process. In the coming days Settlement Watch will monitor and update on the implementation of this announcement through approval of plans and/or issuing or tenders.
According to various media publication, which are not confirmed, Settlement Watch has learnt that the announcement may refer to publication of tenders for 1,075 housing units in the settlements, and to the advancement of roughly 1,604 housing units. Yet, this data must be treated with caution, as this data is not official nor confirmed.
Publication of Tenders: 1,075 housing units
- Ariel: 63 housing units
- Maale Adumim: 90 housing units
- Givat Zeev: 552 housing units
- Efrat: 21 housing units
- Elkana: 18 housing units
- Imanuel: 166 housing units
- Alfei Menashe: 78 housing units
- Beitar Illit: 87 housing units
Advancement of Plans: Total: housing units 1,604
Publication for Deposit: 1,247
- Ariel: 839 housing units
- Migron: 86 housing units
- Har Gilo: 4 housing units
- Shaarei Tikva: 6 housing units
- Tzofim: 292 housing units
- Beit El: 20 housing units
Discussion for Validation: 331
- Givat Zeev: 100 housing units
- Oranit: 150 housing units
- Etz Efraim: 81 housing units
Publication for Validation: 26
- Maale Adumim: 22 housing units
- Oranit: 4 housing units
Publication of tenders is a necessary step in few settlements in order for construction to begin. After the plan is approved, tenders need to be published by the Ministry of Construction and if successful, construction may begin.
In order to be approved, plans must progress through several stages. Each stage in the planning progress is political since an approval by the Minister of Defense is required for it to proceed. The planning progress pipeline can be drawn as the following:
- Initial acceptance of a plan
- Discussion for Deposit
- Publication of Deposit
- Discussion for Validation
- Publication of Validation