
Two States One Hope – Join Our Demonstration against 50 Years of Occupation | 27 May 2017

It has been 50 years since a great victory turned into a calamity. After 50 years of occupation, and as we reach the point of no return, Israelis are saying – enough! On Saturday, May 27th 2017, we will unite in Rabin Square and call for two states, for the sake of a Jewish and democratic Israel, for the sake of an independent Palestine and for the end of all implications of a 50-year long occupation.

We are at a critical point in time, in which we must ensure that the two state solution remains possible both on the ground and in public opinion. The two state solution is an Israeli interest as much as it is Palestinian, and an end of Israel’s control over millions of Palestinians is not only the right thing to do; it is also the only way to salvage our deteriorating democracy and maintain our Jewish character.

As the Israeli government celebrates 50 years to the “unification” of Jerusalem and the “liberation” of the territories we must be counter them by events that oppose the ongoing occupation and call for change.

On 27 May 2017 we will bring back hope. We will gather the pro-peace camp in a massive show of force, and turn the silent majority into an active majority. We will illustrate both to the Palestinians and to the world that the Israeli public is a partner for peace. We will show Israeli politicians from the center and left of the political map, that in order to gain support they must push for a two state solution.

How Can You Help Us Succeed?

Donate through our crowdfunding campaign or become a fundraiser: https://goo.gl/0x3543 (100% of all proceeds will go to cover the cost of the demonstration)

Share our posts on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PeaceNowIsrael/photos/a.119391492580.111626.106834147580/10154299269952581/?type=3&theater

In Israel?

Join the event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1954096854875691/

Volunteer to help with the demonstration: http://nirshamim.activetrail.biz/hasaot

For additional questions: yotm@peacenow.org.il