The “Trump Peace Plan” has been published and surely there will be a flood of commentary for quite some time over whether it is a good deal.
Fortunately, there are already clear principles based on the sides’ red lines for a political agreement that we can measure the plan by:
1. Actual negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians An agreement that guarantees the future and security of Israel, the Palestinians and the entire region will only be achieved through a process of negotiation and agreement by both parties.

2. Viable, defensible borders: Border based on pre-1967 lines, with minor land swaps and safe passage between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Israel will have a monitoring role against security threats in the new State of Palestine in coordination with the PA.

3. Israeli and Palestinian capitals in Jerusalem Both the Jewish and Palestinian people have national and religious claims in Jerusalem. With the right coordination and technology, both nations can enjoy capitals in Jerusalem without a Berlin Wall-style division of the city.

4. An agreed-upon resolution to the Palestinian refugee issue Refugees and their descendants would return to a new State of Palestine established on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, among a set of other options including an agreed and symbolic (small) amount to be absorbed by Israel.