
Nativ Ha’Avot Evictions Tomorrow (12.6.18)

On the eve of the eviction of settlers in 15 houses in the unauthorized outpost of Nativ Ha’Avot, near Bethlehem. Peace Now has issued the following statement:

“After 17 years of theft, evasions, delays, and manipulation, justice will be served as the private land on which the Nativ Ha’Avot outpost was built will be vacated, in line with the High Court of Justice’s ruling. We hope these evictions will send a clear message that crime does not pay, and that anyone who builds on land without authorization or even purchasing it first will ultimately be compelled to leave. We call upon the relevant security bodies to allow the rightful Palestinian landowners, who have waited 17 years, to return to their land following the evictions.”

To read more on the legal issues surrounding the Nativ Ha’Avot outpost, click here.