Only last week Yariv Oppenheimer, our Director General, was subjected to threatening telephone calls by a young soldier who threatened to “put a bullet through his head”, the perpetrator was quickly caught by the police.
Then this morning a senior team member awoke to find the outside of her apartment vandalized with graffiti slogans such as “Peace Now, the End is near”. The pictures can be seen in this news report on YNET. She, thankfully, is unharmed and the police are searching for the culprits.
This is a serious incident that requires emergency measures against what is becoming the new Jewish underground.
The atmosphere of hatred and the complete refusal by government officials the Knesset to act to create change within the Israeli society is a serious threat to all those who oppose the current government’s policies and settlements.
This is a serious red light and a reminder that the local extremists are a threat to us all and to our democracy and civil society!

“Peace now, the end is near”